LI: To make DLO what is a Inertia
LI: To make DLO what is a Inertia
LI: To write an explanation
How many times did you throw rubbish and did not care what might happen to the sea creatures?
It is important to think about where we put our rubbish because some rubbish ends up in the sea. Many sea creatures are dying just because people are being careless. The ocean will be full of rubbish and sea creatures will eat the plastic because they think it is their food. An example is our seabirds who often end up with plastic on their beaks and are not able to breathe.
How many sea creatures have people killed by doing this? Stop throwing your rubbish on the ground!
This is my explanation that tells other people why it is important to make wise choices when they throw away their rubbish. I wrote this after planning my ideas and thinking about what what questions I could ask that would make the people reading this think about the choices they make.
LI.To identify the different types and uses of plastic.
LI. To work out the elapsed time
Today for maths our group used the maths clocks to help us work out the answer to the elapsed time questions. Elapsed means the time has gone by. I worked with my buddy Afa and we got most of our work done. The thing I learnt about today as I was doing maths is that you can read it in different types of ways.
LI: To paint a still life of sunflowers in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
LI: To identify my own qualities
LI: To understand the meaning behind the acronym MRSCGREN
LI: to identify what we know about science.
Today was our first time going to science and we learnt about the names of the equipment and about what the equipment does. We talked about what science is and what part science we enjoy learning about. Mrs Sharma asked us to write a question about one thing we wanted to know more about in science. I want to find out why science is full of experiments?