
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

TEEL Paragraphs

LI: To use powerful words and transitional vocabulary to make our writing more interesting

This week we have been learning to use transitional vocabulary to help us link ideas between the sentences in our paragraph. The transitional words are like the doors we walk through and to show how this works in writing we have highlighted them. I enjoyed this activity because we got to try using new words in our writing and we worked collaboratively so we got to share our ideas.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

know your keyboard

 LI; be cybersmart and use our devies to learn ,create and share.

We did the Maniakalani Cybersmart challenges  and this is activity 1. Our task was to make 3 DLO's on how to use your Chromebook. The first DLO was about what to do when you're using your chromebook, when using your Chromebook you can't have food or drinks near your chromebook, If you are charging your Chromebook while using it you must work near a wall so that no cables are on the floor where people might be walking and more on the DLO's.


Thursday, February 11, 2021


This week for writing LS2 worked in groups of 5 - 6 people to find the definition of leadership. First we brainstormed all the examples linked to leadership onto a piece of paper. Second we used that brainstorm to give us a basic idea of what leadership is. Then we wrote down all the important words linked to leadership, we then used those words to create a summary. After that we created a DLO about our summary and the process of making it.


LI: to understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and our learning. 

regularly makes you hydrated and full of energy, but the opposite is being dehydrated. Being dehydrated is when your body isn’t getting enough water that it needs. This causes tiredness, lack of energy, dry lips, and dark colored urine. 

In groups of 2-4 we created a DLO explaining why being hydrated is good for both health and learning. In my group was ****add names. After reading this DLO I hope you have a good understanding on why is it very important to keep hydrated by drinking water. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Stastistical Investagation

 LI: To plan and carry out stastistical Investagation 

Today I worked with Peyton and we worked in pairs to investagate what LS2's favourite colour was and we predict only a little amount of people would chose blue because a lot of people would start to say a differentt colour. Something I found interesting that we got to expercience what people liked and what they didnt liked. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Summary of Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To explain in fewer words what the text was about .

 The  Treaty of Waitangi started when the british first arrived to New Zealand and the background behind Treaty of Waitangi was the Maori Chief was trying to get the treaty signed from the Maori chiefs 

Something we found interesting was the New Zealand war between the Maori and Pakeha