LI: To use the information in the text to make inferences.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Flow Charts and radio chat
LI: To understand how flow charts relaxde to coding blocks.
Tuesday, July 27, 2021
Current event
LI: To find the important information in a current event
I found this activity very intestinbg because i found new thing about it
Thursday, July 8, 2021
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
LI: To strengthen our connections to Matariki.
- I found out…I enjoyed …. because
Thursday, July 1, 2021
Coding In Python
L.I : To Learn how to code the Microbot in the Phyton.
Here is an example of the buttons, the main thing to notice is "def" which is defining what the on_button_pressed will make the microbot do. Again this has a top and bottom so the content has to go insde it.
The first one image shows the Phyton coding for the flashing hearts code that I made. It flashes between a small heart icon and a large heart Icon. The diference between python coding is that block coding uses blocks and python coding uses text that you have to type down.
LI: To create your own comic strip of an imaginary conversation My comic strip shows the conversation I imagine these two people had after ...
Ariana & Tanisha Athletes who win make sure they know how to also lose in a proper manner, it’s normal for people to cry when they win...