
Thursday, July 29, 2021


 LI: To use the information in the text to make inferences.

Today we learnt about the olympic people who won the medals in 2021.  they have won and there are very happy  get medals  they try very hard to acivte it  and to do they best they can . and we leraned about the olympic  .

Flow Charts and radio chat

  LI: To understand how flow charts relaxde to coding blocks.

Link to DLO

The next activity today was coding the micrbit to send a radio signal to another micorbit. we had to make sure that both micorbit were on the same group number so we didn't accdentily get a message form another group.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Current event

 LI: To find the important information in a current event

This week for Reading we learnt about author's purpose. Authors write for a purpose/reason. These reasons are to Persuade, Inform, Explain or Entertain (PIE).First we looked at Kiwi Kids News to find a article. Then, we made a copy of the Current Events DLO and answered these questions:What is the article about?When the article was created?Where was the article was made?Why the author wrote the article?How it was made?Why do you think the author wanted you to learn from the article?

I found this activity very intestinbg because i found new thing about it 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 LI: To strengthen our connections to Matariki.

Matariki is the Maori new year celebration. It takes places each year when the cluster of stars known as Matariki are seen in our skies. The new year is a time for new beginnings and is a time to embrace tradition.To strengthen our connections to Matariki we had a choice of research activities.I found this activty really fun , because we get to do things with my group and describe where , how who what and when about the stars.
  • I found out…I enjoyed …. because

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Coding In Python

L.I : To Learn how to code the Microbot in the Phyton.

 Here is an example of the buttons,  the main thing to notice is "def" which is defining what the on_button_pressed will make the microbot do. Again this has a top and bottom so the content has to go insde it. 


The first one image shows the Phyton coding for the flashing hearts code that I made. It flashes between a small heart icon and a large heart Icon. The diference between python coding is that block coding uses blocks and python coding uses text that you have to type down.