LI: To create your own comic strip of an imaginary conversation
Monday, December 14, 2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
SLJ Week 1 Activity 1
LI: To collect materials needed to successfully complete our weekly superpower building missions with Nano Girl.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Operation Christmas Drop
LI: To write a summary of the story behind the Operation Christmas Drop in your own words.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Digital Board Game
LI: To create a digital board game for the juniors
This year we designed digital board games with a Christmas theme to play with the junior students. To play the game successfully they will need to read and follow the instructions, then use their counting skills to move around the board. Today we showed our Year 4 students how to make their own games. It was and fun
- ggfr
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Decorating the Tree
LI: To decorate the office Christmas tree
The purpose of our Design Technology challenge was to create a set of Christmas/Holiday decorations that respresented our school and the people in it. We were given a design brief from Mr Johnston and a delivery date. To celebrate the end of this challenge LS2 delivered their completed decorations to Mr Johnston, then hung them on the tree in our school office.
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Art Colouring Book - Step it up Challenge
LI: To use TEEL paragraphs to explain our colour choice
- Today I completed the Step it Up art challenge from the Summer Learning Journey activities. The purpose of this task was to explain our colour choice using the language and vocabulary we learnt from watching the information video. I used the TEEL paragraph structure to help me explaian my thinking. I think use bright
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Science at Tech
L.I to learn about the Leaf Structure.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Art Colouring Book
L.I: To experiment with colours
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Te Whanau Raukura Performance
LI.. Te Whanau Raukura Performance
Today we went to the hall to see Te Whanau Raukura perform. They showed us many skills that we didn't know. It was fun to see the performance and it was interesting. They showed us the meaning behind some Maori items. They came to our class and answered our questions, as we played a game called pukana and it was interesting. I really enjoyed it.
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
Exploring our national current events
Provocation: Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?
LI: To identify and consider the two perspectives of this provocation to help me form an opinion.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
The embarrassment
Maths strategy (Lasagne)
L.I: To explain how we solved out maths equations.
For Maths we worked in mixed math groups to practice our team skills and to help us explain how we solved these word problems. The topic of these word problems were about Metric Measurements, which was more specifically about weight and mass. The word problem was about the ingredients and the weight of these ingredients. We had to find the weight of the missing ingredient by adding up the weight of the ingredients we knew, and subtracting it from the weight of the whole food.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Rocket Science
L.I: To figure out how to make a straw rocket
Today we built a rocket with straws and tube and we practised how to launch it. The materials that we used were straws, tape and some paper and then used all of those materials to make the straw rocket. After we made it we got into a row and blew our straw rocket and check how far it went.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Why is it important to use CARE Values ?
LI: To write an explanation using TEEL paragraphs
This week we have been revising explanation writing. Next week is our assessment week so we did this collaborative challenge to remind ourselves what is needed when we write explanations. We found it interesting the way the paragraphs all connected at the end and you could see the links between the ideas.Wednesday, September 23, 2020
What is Inertia
LI: To make DLO what is a Inertia
Who would I vote for?
Why is it important to make wise choices?
LI: To write an explanation
How many times did you throw rubbish and did not care what might happen to the sea creatures?
It is important to think about where we put our rubbish because some rubbish ends up in the sea. Many sea creatures are dying just because people are being careless. The ocean will be full of rubbish and sea creatures will eat the plastic because they think it is their food. An example is our seabirds who often end up with plastic on their beaks and are not able to breathe.
How many sea creatures have people killed by doing this? Stop throwing your rubbish on the ground!
This is my explanation that tells other people why it is important to make wise choices when they throw away their rubbish. I wrote this after planning my ideas and thinking about what what questions I could ask that would make the people reading this think about the choices they make.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Tech. science with Mrs sharma
LI.To identify the different types and uses of plastic.

For this week the year 7's learning about Plastic, We also learned about Plastic, material, wood, paper and metal which helps us learn and understand our learning. We also played an activity that will give us more information on plastic. The most interesting fact that I learnt was that every year 17 billion rubbish gets thrown away in the ocean.
Certificate | Fri, 18 Sep
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
LI. To work out the elapsed time
Today for maths our group used the maths clocks to help us work out the answer to the elapsed time questions. Elapsed means the time has gone by. I worked with my buddy Afa and we got most of our work done. The thing I learnt about today as I was doing maths is that you can read it in different types of ways.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Sunflower Painting
LI: To paint a still life of sunflowers in the style of Vincent Van Gogh.
It's cool to be me
LI: To identify my own qualities
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
LI: To understand the meaning behind the acronym MRSCGREN
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Tech: Science and STEAM
LI: to identify what we know about science.
Today was our first time going to science and we learnt about the names of the equipment and about what the equipment does. We talked about what science is and what part science we enjoy learning about. Mrs Sharma asked us to write a question about one thing we wanted to know more about in science. I want to find out why science is full of experiments?
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Duff books in school .
Today we got 2 new duffy books and I was so happy to get my duffy books because I would ge to read them at home. The 2 books I chose were The homeless Kitten and The Ice Enchantment. The homeless Kitten was written by Holly Webb and it was illustrated by Sophy William. The Ice Enchantment was written by Danelle Star but I couldn't who the illustrator was. Thank Duffy for all my books and I will enjoy reading and learning from them at home.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Career pathway
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Dance class'#1
Life Education
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Problem Solving with Tangrams
LI: To create your own comic strip of an imaginary conversation My comic strip shows the conversation I imagine these two people had after ...
Ariana & Tanisha Athletes who win make sure they know how to also lose in a proper manner, it’s normal for people to cry when they win...