
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Food Technology

LI: To learn knife skills

Today we had our first lesson of food technology at Tamaki College. We made a colourful fruit salad of kiwifruit, grapes and an orange to help us learn knife skills. We cut the ends of the fruit first to make sure it didn't move when we were cutting it. Cutting the grapes in half was easy but learning to cut an orange into segments was a lot harder. We made our fruit salad by layering fruit and yoghurt. It tasted delicious.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Word Cline: Sad

LI: To find 5 interesting words that increase in intensity (have a stronger meaning) as you move up the line.

Today we used the thesaurus to make a word cline for the word ‘sad’. As the words go up the line they become more powerful. Here is an example of a sentence I wrote today using my word cline. I feel glum because I can not play with my friend

How Animals Protect themselves

Thursday, May 21, 2020

LI: To retell True Story of the 3 Little Pigs in my own words

Today my group read the True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. After listening to the story we used the retelling pathway to help us retell the main events in pairs. My favourite part was when the wolf went to the first pigs house and accidentally blew the house down.

I made a Screencastify so you can listen to me retell the story in my own words.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Counting In Maori

LI: To count to ten in Maori

Today I learnt to use Screencastify so I have recorded myself counting to ten in Maori. I think I did really well at counting as this was my first time to count in Maori.

Lockdown Memories

LI: To create a digital time capsule of our lockdown memories.

We used images and words to tell the story of our time in Alert Level 4 and in Alert Level 3. The most important part of this time was keeping ourselves safe, being with our families and keeping our learning going. My favourite memory is spending time with my family.

Word Cline

LI: To find 5 interesting words that increase in intensity (have a stronger meaning) as you move up the line. 

Today we built a word cline for the word ‘big’. As the words go up the line they become more powerful. Here is an example of a sentence I wrote today using my word cline. There is an  enormous hole in the toilet.