
Sunday, December 5, 2021

Summer Learning Journey ~ NASA Colouring Book

Today I did the first summer learning  journey  activity . I chose the spacecraft and tried to recreate the original picture. I colour it a different way by using more bighter colours  to make it better. 

I enjoyed doing this activity because it was fun and I was able to be more creative.  


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Vision board

LI: To tell what you want to acheive by using pictures and words.                      

   Today we made a DLO about what we want to achieve this year by using pictures and words. I want to achieve a lot of things and I will try my hardest. My vision to go to  Fiji and see my family, I haven't met all of my famliy. I really enjoyed making this because it made me think a lot about what I wanted to do in one year , so I'm trying to complete as much as I can.  I think  this is a good way to strive towards acheiving my goals.

Monday, August 16, 2021

coding with python

LI: To understand to conncetions between

Link to DLO 

This is the comparison between the Python coding , the blocks and the flowchart for making the Microbit act like a dice.Something I found interesting about expericing the Python coding is being able to understand the written codes and asking for help even when I am not confident.Something I learnt about Python coding is to understand the simple codings its trying to tell me to do.




LI: To draw and label your own Hauora diagram

In order to be able to perform at their best athletes need to have a four walls of the whare tapawha standing.

We created this poster to show what each wall represents and why it is important.

I found out that an athlete could be better than they could be, whilst making themselves more stable if they ever lose

I enjoyed making the poster Because I could see that if all these athletes had these 4 walls they could make themselves better than they already are.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Hauroa and olymiplans


Ariana & Tanisha

Athletes who win make sure they know how to also lose in a proper manner, it’s normal for people to cry when they win or lose. 

Tears of happiness and gratitude for the winners and tears of sorrow and disappointment for those who have taken a step back.

It is important to enjoy and celebrate the success you earn, embrace the goals you have achieved and the goals that you have set for yourself.  Motivating yourself makes you believe that you can do anything that you put your mind to. 

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Mindfuless Reflection


LI: Removing the negativity from your mind 

The mindfulness bell is treated like a taonga. This week LS2 focused on mindfulness. Mindfulness is a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling right now.Mindfulness is about focusing on the present and leaving the past behind.LS2 than sat in circle facing the opposite direction of everyone and loosen their stomach,hands on our knees and focused by breathing in and out slowly so our body and mind can relax.As the bell rang each one us breathed in and out while our mind was slowly approaching the green zone.As I body was relax our mind was wandering in calm position.Mindfulness helps our mind proceed towards the green zone so we can slowly escape from the red zone.Something I found interesting 

Everyone goes into the red zone which is negative emotions. To change the red zone into green zone, we used the mindfulness bell to change the mood into calm and relaxed. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021


 LI: To use the information in the text to make inferences.

Today we learnt about the olympic people who won the medals in 2021.  they have won and there are very happy  get medals  they try very hard to acivte it  and to do they best they can . and we leraned about the olympic  .

Flow Charts and radio chat

  LI: To understand how flow charts relaxde to coding blocks.

Link to DLO

The next activity today was coding the micrbit to send a radio signal to another micorbit. we had to make sure that both micorbit were on the same group number so we didn't accdentily get a message form another group.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Current event

 LI: To find the important information in a current event

This week for Reading we learnt about author's purpose. Authors write for a purpose/reason. These reasons are to Persuade, Inform, Explain or Entertain (PIE).First we looked at Kiwi Kids News to find a article. Then, we made a copy of the Current Events DLO and answered these questions:What is the article about?When the article was created?Where was the article was made?Why the author wrote the article?How it was made?Why do you think the author wanted you to learn from the article?

I found this activity very intestinbg because i found new thing about it 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 LI: To strengthen our connections to Matariki.

Matariki is the Maori new year celebration. It takes places each year when the cluster of stars known as Matariki are seen in our skies. The new year is a time for new beginnings and is a time to embrace tradition.To strengthen our connections to Matariki we had a choice of research activities.I found this activty really fun , because we get to do things with my group and describe where , how who what and when about the stars.
  • I found out…I enjoyed …. because

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Coding In Python

L.I : To Learn how to code the Microbot in the Phyton.

 Here is an example of the buttons,  the main thing to notice is "def" which is defining what the on_button_pressed will make the microbot do. Again this has a top and bottom so the content has to go insde it. 


The first one image shows the Phyton coding for the flashing hearts code that I made. It flashes between a small heart icon and a large heart Icon. The diference between python coding is that block coding uses blocks and python coding uses text that you have to type down.

Monday, June 28, 2021


 LI: To edit our writing using DRAFT.

This week continued writing our abstract noun poem about Bravery. We included descriptive words and used  the 5 senses which are: See, smell, feel/touch,and taste.When we finished our poem we used DRAFT to check our work, this means delete, rearrange, add, fix and talk. DRAFT is looking closely at your work and making any changes to improve it.

We used word hippo to look for more powerful words to use.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Rock Paper Scissors

LI To learn how to code the microbit to play rock papaer scissors and understand how the flowchart matches the code.

Link to DLO

1. When I shake the microbit it will choose a random number between 1 and 3

2. I have to make a variable called hand and set this to the random number.

3. If the number is 1 - the microbit will show the symbol for paper

4. If the number is 2 - the microbit will show the symbol for rock

5. If the number is 3 - the microbit will show the symbol for scissors

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


LI: To write an abstract noun senses poem


For our writing task this week we are working on poems and metaphors. Our metaphor poem was about sadness. A metaphor is describing something as something else without using “like” or “as.” An abstract noun is a noun describing an idea, for example see, taste, feel, smell and hear. We  worked on this task as a group. After coming up with our poem we create a DLO.

This task was fun because we learned how much creativity we have

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

opnotion making


Our group has been focusing on consider both perspectives. Perspectives means a different points of view. Our group has been gathering information of our topic whether it is true or not.The topic was about sacred spots from Maori mythology.One of the myths our group decided to chose was Waipoua forest,Waipoua forest is the creation story of Tane Mahuta creating the Earth by lying between his parents Papatuanuku mother earth and Ranginui the sky father.Tane Mahuta pushed and stretched his parents apart to fight for the light and space for him and his siblings.Something we found interesting about our task given was exploring our researching skills to find the evidence that is true and not about the myth we have chosen above.

main ldeas

For reading we have been focusing on the Maui and Sun story.Our task was to identify the main ideas in the text.Our information we have gathered together is our opinions we have mixed together to create a more explained main ideas.Something we learnt from this activity is to read the text and identify all the different main ideas we might find important to vital.Something we found interesting about this activity is being able to identify the main ideas of a text.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Creative writing

LI: To understand how to use descriptive words to make your writing more interesting.


Our focus for writing this week was to use descriptive writing, which means using words that are powerful, making your text more exciting to read and add more detail into your writing. We were tasked to work collaboratively in pairs to complete this task. Our task was to describe one of the two pictures that we were given. To make this task easier we would use our prior knowledge of sentence structures, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and descriptive words to create a piece of writing that uses descriptive words to make the text exciting to read. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Following Classroom Rules & Expectations | PB4L

 LI: To follow the rules and expectations, expected from teachers. 

         Publish your DLO on your blogThis weeks PB4L learning is about following classroom rules and expectations. PB4L is a acronym describing Positive Behavior for Learning. PB4L helps us understand the correct behavior for inside classroom learning and outer learning. This consist of Classroom discussions, walking to assembly, behaviour on school trips, wet day procedure eg. respecting wet day monitors. All of these prospects will help us develop a strong and healthy learning enviroment. I found this activity very intesteting because it is about what uis our Expectations for PB4L

Building an mBot

 LI To understand how the mbot is put together so that ican fix it when something goes wrong .

Today, we took an mBot apart and then ressmbled it .we then tested it with some code to make sure that

it worked correcty here are the parts of the mBot that look apart.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Current Events

LI: To identify the author's purpose.


Authors write for a purpose/reason. These reasons are to Persuade, Inform, Explain or Entertain (PIE).
First we looked at Kiwi Kids News to find a article. Then, we made a copy of the Current Events DLO and answered these questions:
  • What is the article about?
  • When the article was created?
  • Where was the article was made?
  • Why the author wrote the article?
  • How it was made?
  • Why do you think the author wanted you to learn from the articleI found this activity very interesting because it is about what happens in New Zealand on the Queens Birthday.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Reading pathway


Book week


LI: To celebrate reading  

Today we had book week we had to dress up in our favourite  characters  and even we had to make motivated our self we saw spiderman and we learn form him he made us laugh and he ask us his question and we answer his question then he tell one of the student to stand up and said the magic word to make him dance.

student Led conferenss

 LI: To share our learning with  families      

Yesatday we had our student Led conferenss and our families  was look a forward  for  our  hard work   my parents was so happy  bescause how  i  magned to get my work done and was what was  import work we did  how did we get the ideas from so our class tryed our best to make our class look good .

Being a Jedi coding

 LI: To make the mbot to go backwards without touching to be a jedi 


This week we learn how to make the mobot to go backwards and to make the mobot to work so first thing we did is we had to lestien what sound it make and even movatied each sound on your compter and your mobot then we had to make blocks so the mobot can followt the path.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Sentence Starters

LI: To understand how to use a variety of sentence beginnings.




This week for writing we had to be in paris that can work togther then we make a DLO to show us what are Sentence starters a Sentence starters mean Similar to sentence frames, sentence starters provide a partial frame for students to begin their sentence or idea. However, sentence starters only begin the idea, and students must complete then me and my panrter work and talk to each other about what Sentence starters we will make.


 stop think make wise decisions                                                           



ASB GetWise - The Year 3 Hub

 Today was LS2 first ASB Getwise session. Our Teacher from the ASB Getwise was teaching us about how we can save money and how a card works.  We then got into teams for this activity, each group got $1800 we then were working as a team to think of a group name and is money savers hope we could do more like   we spend on money   the acitivites.



 LI: To find the best strategy to solve addition problems

For maths this week, we have been learning about compensation. Compensation is rounding numbers to the nearest tens place. We have been finding out what the best strategy when solving addition problems, using the compensation strategy. 

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Camp Collage

  LI: To create a collage of your camp highlights


This week LS2 have been celebrating our camp. I created this collage to show my time at camp and the activities I enjoyed. To make my collage effective I thought about the size of the images, the angle of the images and I tried hard not to leave any gaps between the photos. I found this activity i great because i feel great about myself my photos that showcase my accomplishments.

5 minutes of Camp

LI: To recount a 5 minute snapshot of one experience you had at camp

I could feel my excitement flow all over my body as I hoped into  the kayak. My whole group was getting ready to bring the rest of the kayaks down as the instructor pushed me out into the water.

The water was cold as I touched it with my hands. I started paddling towards my friend. And keep on bump to my friend boat Then the boat bump and flip  over and I fell in the water but I was laughing and then my friend let me grab her so she pulled me to land .  but I  was wet Then it was to go i grab the boat and keep on walking and went up to the the camp and i change my clothes

Last week we went to camp at Kokako Lodge. My 5 minute snapshot shows my personal voice and I have tried hard to paint a picture with my words to describe what I was doing and how I felt.I found this activity great because i get learn new suff and i was happy about my self

  • because

Thursday, March 18, 2021

celebrating the summer learnin jaurney

 LI .To celebrate our pbs SLJ participarts


I get a certificate beuase of surmmer learinng journery and it was the first time i get a summer learnin  jounery  certificate and it was excited and sakishi  was the top bloger for manaki I was  so happy for  sakishi   that she was the top blogger and we did some challenges  went nano girl it was fun doing some challenges

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Ko wai ahau?

Namaste my name is Tanisha and I am Fijian Indian. I'm 12 years old and have one younger sister.   I enjoy cooking and my favourite food is cheese pizza. I like to sing and dance. When I grow up I want  to  be a vet because I love animals. This year my goal is to work hard and make my parents proud .

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

TEEL Paragraphs

LI: To use powerful words and transitional vocabulary to make our writing more interesting

This week we have been learning to use transitional vocabulary to help us link ideas between the sentences in our paragraph. The transitional words are like the doors we walk through and to show how this works in writing we have highlighted them. I enjoyed this activity because we got to try using new words in our writing and we worked collaboratively so we got to share our ideas.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

know your keyboard

 LI; be cybersmart and use our devies to learn ,create and share.

We did the Maniakalani Cybersmart challenges  and this is activity 1. Our task was to make 3 DLO's on how to use your Chromebook. The first DLO was about what to do when you're using your chromebook, when using your Chromebook you can't have food or drinks near your chromebook, If you are charging your Chromebook while using it you must work near a wall so that no cables are on the floor where people might be walking and more on the DLO's.


Thursday, February 11, 2021


This week for writing LS2 worked in groups of 5 - 6 people to find the definition of leadership. First we brainstormed all the examples linked to leadership onto a piece of paper. Second we used that brainstorm to give us a basic idea of what leadership is. Then we wrote down all the important words linked to leadership, we then used those words to create a summary. After that we created a DLO about our summary and the process of making it.


LI: to understand why staying hydrated is important for our health and our learning. 

regularly makes you hydrated and full of energy, but the opposite is being dehydrated. Being dehydrated is when your body isn’t getting enough water that it needs. This causes tiredness, lack of energy, dry lips, and dark colored urine. 

In groups of 2-4 we created a DLO explaining why being hydrated is good for both health and learning. In my group was ****add names. After reading this DLO I hope you have a good understanding on why is it very important to keep hydrated by drinking water. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Stastistical Investagation

 LI: To plan and carry out stastistical Investagation 

Today I worked with Peyton and we worked in pairs to investagate what LS2's favourite colour was and we predict only a little amount of people would chose blue because a lot of people would start to say a differentt colour. Something I found interesting that we got to expercience what people liked and what they didnt liked. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Summary of Treaty of Waitangi

LI: To explain in fewer words what the text was about .

 The  Treaty of Waitangi started when the british first arrived to New Zealand and the background behind Treaty of Waitangi was the Maori Chief was trying to get the treaty signed from the Maori chiefs 

Something we found interesting was the New Zealand war between the Maori and Pakeha